Data Stewardship in Ireland: challenges and opportunities

Please join us on the 19th & 20th June 2024 in University College Cork for the first Sonraí Annual Conference


Day 1 – Wednesday 19th of June

10.00-10.30 Registration and coffee 

10.30-11.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks, UCC president Prof. John O’Halloran and Sonrai project leader Dr. Aoife Coffey

11.00-11.30  Dr. Daniel Bangert, Director 4TU.ResearchData, International data repository for science, engineering and design.

11.30-12.30 Panel Session: National Research Data Infrastructure – bringing FAIR, researchers and data stewards together
Panelists: Vanessa Buckley (Irish Social Science Data Archive, ISSDA), Dr. Aileen O’Carroll (Irish Qualitative Data Archive, IQDA), Niall Wilson (Irish Center for
High-End Computing, ICHEC), Brian Clayton (Shaping the Future of Research Data – Designing a National infrastructure for Active Data-driven research, IRLDAT)

Chair: Dr. Orla Murphy (UCC)

12.30-13.30 Lunch 

13.30-14.30  Presentations from projects Supporting open and FAIR data in Ireland 

  •  ‘A Review of Open Research in Connected Health Ecosystems (ROCHE)’ Prof. Kalpana Shankar (University College Dublin),
  • ‘TRaining for OPen research in an Irish Context (TROPIC)’ Dr. Dermot Lynott (Maynooth University), 
  • ‘An Irish National Research Data Management Framework’ Armin Straube (University of Limerick), 
  • ‘Persistent identifiers (PIDs) taskforce’ Josh Brown (MoreBrains), 

Chair: Jenny O’Neil (HEAnet)

14.30-15.45 What is the role of data stewards in the research landscape?

Panelists: Dr. Sharon Kappala (Health Research Board, HRB), Lindsay Dowling (TU Dublin), Dr. Chris Burbidge (SFI Research Center in Applied Geosciences, iCRAG), Janine Strandberg (TU Delft), Guilia Caldoni (Italian Data Stewardship Network), Dr. Curtis Sharma (EOSC4skills)
Chair: Hardy Schwamm (UCC)

15.30-15.45  Break 

15.45 – 16.30 Keynote Dr Lisa Griffith, Director, Digital Repository of Ireland

Day 2 – Thursday 20th of June

9.00-9.30 Tea and Coffee 

9.30-10.00  Research Integrity and Research Data Management, Prof. Anita Maguire, UCC, Chair of the National Forum on Research Integrity 

10.00-10.30Roadmap to Embedding Open Research Practices in Ireland’, Dr. David OConnell (UCC) & Dr. Sally Smith (Trinity College Dublin)

10.30-11.00 Break

11.00-11.30 UK Reproducibility Network  Prof. Marcus Munafo (University of Bristol)

11.30-12.00 Research Culture and rewards for Open Science’, Dr. Jess Butler (University of Aberdeen)

12.00-13.00 Wrap-up 

  • Next steps and sustainability of Sonraí,  Dr. Aoife Coffey 
  • Reflections on the two days, Dr. Darren Dahly 

13.00-14.00 Lunch and home 

 Follow us for the latest information;

Twitter @Sonrai_IDSN
LinkedIn: Irish Data Stewardship Network – Sonraí

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